Search Results for: cave restaurant in gran canaria

Number of Results: 6

Guayadeque Caves, Gran Canaria

A lot of people like to visit the Guayadeque Caves in Gran Canaria and I went with my parents when they visited me in Gran Canaria a couple years back. That’s me on the right: In Guayadeque there are cave… (READ MORE)

San Nicolas de Tolentino

San Nicolas de Tolentino is a small town which you will find past the Barranco de Veneguera and Barranco de Tasarte, and on the other side of La Fuente de los Azulegos which is an area with green-blue rocks. The… (READ MORE)


Garldar used to be the centre of the Guanche civilisation in Gran Canaria, so there are lots of archaeological ruins there. The Spanish took over from the Guanches in 1484 and the name Galdar comes from the word “Agaldar”, meaning… (READ MORE)


Tejeda, which is in the west central part of Gran Canaria, is quite small. There is a primary school, some churches and a post office, as well as some squares, but the population is only about two thousand. The Cruz… (READ MORE)