Search Results for: rate my gran

Number of Results: 14


Garldar used to be the centre of the Guanche civilisation in Gran Canaria, so there are lots of archaeological ruins there. The Spanish took over from the Guanches in 1484 and the name Galdar comes from the word “Agaldar”, meaning… (READ MORE)

Speedlinks: 29 Oct 2008

Here are some quick links to other bloggers thinking about the Canary Islands: Cheap Holidays In Gran Canaria  – cheap is always good Lifer Inmobiliaria closes its 10 offices in the Gran Canaria Province and “disappears off the face of… (READ MORE)

Dia de San Juan (St John’s Day)

This festival takes place in late June and celebrates the history of Las Palmas. You can see plenty of local festivities and rituals, together with sporting events, open-air concerts and theatrical performances. There are also food stalls so you can sample some Canarian cooking. At… (READ MORE)

How Hot is it in the Canary Islands?

The weather seems to be the number one question on everybody’s lips this week! Coming in November, December, January or February means you are taking a risk with the weather. Two weeks ago we had a calima (hot, sandy winds from… (READ MORE)