Search Results for: euro rate

Number of Results: 18

Speedlinks: 29 Oct 2008

Here are some quick links to other bloggers thinking about the Canary Islands: Cheap Holidays In Gran Canaria  – cheap is always good Lifer Inmobiliaria closes its 10 offices in the Gran Canaria Province and “disappears off the face of… (READ MORE)

What Happened to the Summer?!

It’s usually packed here by July but… not this year! Actually I’ve rarely seen Gran Canaria this quiet in the summer months. It is a combination between rising flight costs and package holiday costs, the appalling exchange rate (you used… (READ MORE)

Dia de San Juan (St John’s Day)

This festival takes place in late June and celebrates the history of Las Palmas. You can see plenty of local festivities and rituals, together with sporting events, open-air concerts and theatrical performances. There are also food stalls so you can sample some Canarian cooking. At… (READ MORE)

Canary Islands Rural Tourism

More and more people want to “get away from it all” when they come on holiday. And that doesn’t mean lying by a pool where kids are dive-bombing in, splashing you every 10 seconds, babies are screaming and people are… (READ MORE)

Gay Canary Islands

San Francisco might be home to the biggest gay community in the USA but Gran Canaria is the gay centre of Europe. If you’re not gay, it won’t make any difference to you because there are plenty of couples and… (READ MORE)

Events 2008

There is always lots going on in Gran Canaria, whether it is a Saint’s Day accompanied by a procession, a local fiesta with music and dancing or a sporting or musical event. No matter which month you choose for your… (READ MORE)

Heineken Campus Rock

Heineken Campus Rock 2008 is going to be great fun. In Gran Canaria, it was on 23rd September 2007 so next year it will be around the same time. This event is also celebrated on some of the other Canary Islands,… (READ MORE)

Events 2007

There is always lots going on in Gran Canaria, whether it is a Saint’s Day accompanied by a procession, a local fiesta with music and dancing or a sporting or musical event. No matter which month you choose for your… (READ MORE)