Search Results for: what is the weather like in gran canaria in februa

Number of Results: 9

Weather in Gran Canaria

A Summary of the Weather in Gran Canaria Gran Canaria is said to have one of the best climates in the world and, having lived here for so long, I can heartily agree with this! Occasionally we get rain but… (READ MORE)

Bad Weather in Gran Canaria

If you are wondering about the mid February weather in Gran Canaria you might be wishing you hadn’t! Right now we have rain, high winds and storms. There were eight metre waves crashing into Puerto Mogan yesterday (the harbour was… (READ MORE)

Taking Pets to and from Gran Canaria

Whether you are thinking about moving to Gran Canaria or leaving for elsewhere, you might wonder what the procedure is with your fluffy friends. I had this issue myself a while ago when I wanted to take Cleo (my cat)… (READ MORE)

2011 Gran Canaria Festival Calendar

There is usually something entertaining going on and, if you are visiting Gran Canaria on holiday, you will want to know what events and festivals are going to coincide with your trip. The weather and climate are also important but… (READ MORE)

Rain in Gran Canaria!

So much for the recent heatwave. This week we’ve had RAIN!! Now whereas that might be exciting for ex pats like me who only see rain a couple of times a year, it might not be all that amusing for… (READ MORE)

Weather and Climate

The weather in Gran Canaria is generally warm and sunny but there are a few exceptions! The weather in the north can vary from the south but usually just by a few degrees.  Today’s Weather – Links  If you want to… (READ MORE)

How Hot is it in the Canary Islands?

The weather seems to be the number one question on everybody’s lips this week! Coming in November, December, January or February means you are taking a risk with the weather. Two weeks ago we had a calima (hot, sandy winds from… (READ MORE)