The exchange rate is currently 0.97 cents to the pound which isn’t the best news for British people wanting to take a holiday in Gran Canaria! When you compare it to last year’s 1.20 to the pound or 2007’s 1.40 to the pound, you realise that it’s not doing great right now!
Saying that, if you book an all inclusive holiday to Gran Canaria, you won’t have to spend much, if anything, because you get all your meals included. If you pick a hot month, which is anytime from April to September, you can lie by the hotel pool all day.
There are, of course, hardcore Gran Canaria fans who will visit no matter what the exchange rate is because they love the island itself but the exchange rate in Gran Canaria (and anywhere else in Europe using the euro) is affecting British holidaymakers’ decisions of where to go on holiday. It was certainly quieter this Christmas in Gran Canaria than it was last year but the credit crisis in the UK was also a definite factor in that.
The exchange rate has nowhere to go now but upwards so whereas it is a good time for us to take our holidays in the UK, people in the UK will be better off waiting a few months to come out here.
What is the exchange rate from GBP to Euros if you exchange whilst in Gran Canaria?
What is the exchange rate from GBP to Euros if you exchange whilst in Gran Canaria?
Whats pound to euro in playa de ingles is it better rate over there than england
I took €100 out of ATM per day and it was roughly £103. Rip off, get euros before going!